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What was your birth experience like?

What was your birth experience like?

Did you feel as in control as you could? Did this birth feel like an awakening to you? A transformation? Did you catch a glimpse of the real you- the powerful, strong, determined you and…did you LOVE her?

The birth you had might not have been “perfect” (and it probably didn’t go to plan) but it didn’t matter, you had a toolbox brimming with techniques to support you and your mindset was bang on.

You KNOW that this didn’t just happen by accident, you put the prep in.

You don’t just happen to have a high pain threshold; you knew how your body worked and how to work with it.

You aren’t “just lucky” …you did your research.

But now, the babymoon is over, maternity leave is done and you are back to work. Back on the 9-5 treadmill or shift pattern and something feels off. It feels never ending… kids, partner, home, work…all on rotation, going round and round like a hamsters wheel. You don’t admit this to ANYONE but you have this sneaking feeling that you should be feeling happier than you are! You have a great partner; lovely kids and your job isn’t all that bad either but…you just aren’t fulfilled. You have tried running, yoga and other things too in a bid to fill the gap but it’s still there.

The closest you get to feeling like that “badass” who birthed her baby like a total boss is when you talk to someone about birth. Pregnant women seem to gravitate towards you or just appear in your life and you want them to know what YOU know. You want them to have the birth that they DESERVE but you can’t quite reach them in the way you want to. It breaks your heart to think of what they might experience and how it might affect them.

You know what you need to do.

You know this IS your life’s passion.

You want to teach women to feel strong, empowered and confident during their pregnancy. You want them to rock up at the hospital (or wherever they are giving birth) and feel like they have done all that they can do to prepare and that they can deal with this birth, no matter what happens.

But…you hold back. You don’t fully believe that this can be your life. You worry about the time it would take to train, the money it would involve. How would you juggle your job? How could you leave your kids to complete the training? What would people say? Would they think you are crazy? Selfish? Weird?

So here is the thing. I know how you feel. I remember feeling that way too but I did it. I took the plunge and it changed my life.

If YOU take the plunge, put your trust in me & TCBS family…

– You don’t have quit your job immediately (or ever!); you can do the training and the teaching around your existing commitments.

– We are a ‘mother-friendly’ brand; the training modules are designed to fit around you and your kids. So, no pressure- its self- paced and you will get support, encouragement and feedback along the way

– You taking the leaps and strides towards fulfilling your dream will help show your children that you believe in yourself and that will help them to belief in themselves! Doing nothing and not pursuing this shows them nothing.

– You will find your tribe! Your crew of women who will support you and encourage you along the way! You can make life long connections with women who are at exactly same stage as you, feeling like you do and you will have access to women who have been where you are now and living their version of the dream. You will learn, develop & grow as you go.

– You are worth spending the money on! You take care of everyone else, now is the time to start fulfilling YOUR dreams. It’s not a girl’s holiday, it’s an investment in you and your family’s future.

– You will make a MASSIVE difference to every woman you work with. By NOT training you are denying all those women what you know they need! You will change birth experiences for the better and ultimately lives!

– You don’t need to know everything right now. You don’t need to know about how to market your business or what to do or say or even where to start. You have a crew of women who will help to support you and guide you! Marketing support is on offer with TCBS and so is continuous mentoring from me. I have got your back and I will help you find your way!

So? Are you ready? Want to know more? Lets chat! Book in a free call with me here or email to request more information.

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