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The Positive Birth Experience I Didn’t Know Was Possible 

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple Chantelle and Brad who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course via Zoom with Charlotte Inkpin of Hypnobirthing with Charlotte, covering areas across Braintree, Essex.

Chantelle and Brad already have one son Hudson who is now a wonderful big brother to the family’s new arrival Beau!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!

“The Positive Birth Experience I didn’t know was possible

After having to deliver our first born almost three years ago now via c section due to him being breach I wasn’t sure I’d want to have more, I’d always wanted to be a mum of two or three children but the experience in theatre left me quite traumatised at the thought of having to deliver this way again in future.

Of course, as the time passes, and you have your tiny human to love you put the negative to the back of your mind all is forgotten and it’s time for baby no 2.

OK so you’re now in your second trimester with baby no2 and you realise wow I have to birth this baby, it’s not coming out at the click of a finger, I’m reminded by the trauma of my first section and completely terrified of delivering naturally so a friend suggested I look into hypno birthing, I contacted Charlotte and from there on in I consider that decision to be one of the best I’ve ever made.

I went to Charlotte terrified of birthing naturally and frightened my planned c section for baby no 2 would be as bad as the first, when I say bad it was purely a panic attack on the table and loss of control of myself and my birth, I lost all control of that experience something I wanted to cherish, there was no mess up in theatre or gory scary traumatic surgery mishap but the loss of power over my body in such a situation was terrifying and wasn’t how you envision bringing your first baby into the world, of course this stayed with me after.

After just one session with Charlotte, I came away no longer carrying a fear of delivering naturally, I came away with knowledge of how my body would work to birth my baby and I was now excited for the experience to come as opposed to petrified.

As the weeks progressed the sessions prepared me further for the birth experience that I hoped was just around the corner. Charlotte was my go-to with any concerns or fears I had, I was straight on the phone to Charlotte not because I had paid for a course with her but because she put so much into us as clients, I had bonded with her and trusted her to get me through the panic or query I was battling in my mind. On top of that Charlotte checked in to see how I was doing each week without fail and just to let us know she was there for us. The time came and I was now a week overdue, sadly my labour was brought on by a bad fall, I surged for two days with no consistency to my surges and the decision was made because of the fall and possible damage to my previous section scar to take the c section route.

I was devastated this perfect birth I had envisioned and built myself up for, that I told myself I could do and fell in love with was no longer an option.

I reached out to Charlotte who was out with her own family at the time but stopped what she was doing and took the time to reassure me, to re send my affirmations for a now planned abdominal birth and who got me back into a place of “you can do this”

I went down to theatre again empowered and excited to meet my baby, I no longer feared the procedure as I told myself I could do this, I explained my hypnobirthing journey and my wishes, and the team were very understanding and supportive of my need to play my affirmations throughout my section to keep me calm. I got through the section in complete bliss and calm. Our Beautiful baby boy was placed on my chest on Wednesday 17th Nov 2021 at 10.37am I looked at my partner both of us with tears of joy streaming down our face and I said “that was the best experience of my life we’ve done it again!!”

Thank you Charlotte, I say it all the time, you truly are a wonderful soul”.


If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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