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The Most Empowering & Moving Thing I Have Ever Experienced

This week’s birth story comes from the amazing couple Taylor and Dan who gave birth to Zoe Quinn after attending Hypnobirthing sessions with Katie Daibess of Your Birth and Becoming, covering Troy, Michigan in the USA.

Thank you for sharing your story with us!

“I had a pretty textbook pregnancy, all things considered. I went to my 39 week appointment only to find that I was already 3cm dilated and 100% effaced. I thought for sure our gender surprise baby would arrive within a couple days, but another week passed, and at my 40 week appointment (technically I was 39+6) I was told I had progressed to 4.5cm and baby was sitting very low in my pelvis. Knowing I did not want a medicinal induction, I elected to have a membrane sweep done in hopes baby would arrive before I made it to 41 weeks.

I began having mild and irregular surges throughout the afternoon. My husband and I took our dog for a nice walk, and my surges continued to be mild and irregular. I decided to try to get some rest around 11pm, but never truly fell asleep. By 2am, I could tell I was truly in labor, and began timing my surges and their intensity. I focused on my breathing, knowing my surges would only get more intense moving forward. After calling my midwife, we got to the hospital just before 6am.

My birth plan was to labor unmedicated in one of the natural birthing suites at my delivering hospital, however upon admission to triage, my blood pressure was found to be too high to be assigned to one of those suites. Because of Katie’s advice and instruction, I was able to take this shift to plan in stride, and not feel any negative emotions about the change. They were still able to get me into an L&D room around 8am that had a tub I could labor in, which I was grateful for.

At this point, my surges were increasing in intensity by leaps and bounds. I labored for another four and a half hours, listening to my affirmations track and a special calming L&D instrumental playlist that allowed me to tune into my breathing. Around 12:30pm, my midwife checked my progress, and I was at 7cm. I asked about pain management, because at that point, my surges were coming in so suddenly and intense, I was reacting to them more than managing them through my breath. I was in tears and could see the concern in my husband’s face as labor progressed. After taking a few moments to weigh the Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives, as well as following my Instincts and trying to do Nothing by going through another surge or two, I finally decided I wanted to receive an epidural. The epidural was placed around 1:15pm, and I felt at peace with my informed decision.

After a little while, I was checked again, and had progressed to 9cm, and my waters were bulging. My midwife suggested we rupture the bag to see if it would prompt my body to get to a place where I could start pushing. I agreed, and my waters were broken around 2pm. The labor and delivery team began prepping their station and tools, and I mentally prepared to bring my baby into the world. 

I began pushing at 2:45pm. I had to try a few different positions, but finally found one that allowed me to breathe my baby down. Despite the epidural, the pressure of crowning was still intense, and my hypnobirth breathing was a tool that definitely fortified me through the experience. I was able to watch the progress of my birth in a mirror positioned at the end of my birthing bed and was further encouraged to breathe my baby down as I began to see more and more hair. With a final loud and guttural moan, our baby was born at 4:35pm on Tuesday, 10/18, the expected due date, and we were ecstatic to learn we had a beautiful baby girl to love on. We named her Zoey Quinn.

In spite of the turns my birthing took from what I was expecting, it is still the most empowering and moving thing I have ever experienced. I know in my heart that if I hadn’t taken Katie’s class in preparation, I could have had a much more negative take away simply because it didn’t go “according to plan.” I am extremely grateful for Katie’s wisdom, her support through my pregnancy, as well as now into my postpartum days. We definitely have plans for baby #2, and I know that the things I learned in Katie’s class will serve me again in future. Thank you thank you thank you Katie!!! “

If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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