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I’ve Never Felt So Alive


This week’s birth story comes from the wonderful Kiele of Utah, USA, who bought The Calm Birth School Home Study Video Programme. Kiele said she meditated daily and would breathe through her surges when they came and that the course made it feel so easy, they just flowed through her body.


Thank you for sharing such a wonderful birth story with us.

“11.23.2019 – 3:00PM. Payton came over so we could take Gwen to a park and walk a couple miles. When she got there, I told her “I think I’m going to have a baby today”.

We left the park a couple hours later and my contractions were 10 minutes apart and increasing in intensity. My mom was concerned that my contractions were increasing in intensity and frequency and that I wasn’t wanting to go to the birth center yet. The stress from that slowed them down a little bit. I put Gwen to bed at 8, talked with my doula Bee, and decided to take a bath to relax. In the bath I felt a little “pop” and thought that my waters may have broken. I got out and things picked up very quickly.

Payton had gone home to feed Dixie when we’d gotten back from the park, and I called her around 9 and told her that she needed to come back. She was going to stay with Gwenie. When Payton got there, I was trying to put mascara on in between my contractions. When we left the house they were about 3 minutes apart and I definitely could not talk through them. My mom drove us and she was definitely worried that there would be a car baby! I kept telling her not to worry, I knew everything was working out perfectly. I called Alisha when I was in the car and she called everyone else for me. I got to the birth center at 10:47PM and Bee, Kyrsten, Alisha and Taylor met me there. I remember leaning against Bee when I got into the birth suite and practically falling into her arms, I was so grateful to be out of the car and to have her support in that moment.

At about 11 pm my midwife Jessica checked me and I was 7 cm. She suggested that I sit backwards on the toilet for 5 contractions before getting into the birth tub to allow Noah to get into a really good position. I did and it was hard. The contractions became so intense, and I threw up as Bee held a bowl for me and Kyrsten pushed against my back. Getting into the tub felt so amazing. The contractions were still strong and continued to gain in intensity, but the water brought me a sense of comfort and I felt safe in the warmth of it. At some point things started to blur together and I remember the little things like the hands holding me and lending me strength, the smell of peppermint, the sound of laughter and exhales of breaths that had been held, and the water rippling over my belly as the contractions rolled through me. I remember feeling scared from all of the pressure and Jessica reassuring me that it was a scary feeling but that it was normal. I remember feeling him moving down a significant amount during one contractions and being so amazed at what my body was doing. I remember feeling so loved by the women who surrounded me. After his head was born, Jessica realized that his shoulder may be a little stuck. She told me that I would need to get out of the tub. Everyone’s hands lifted me by the arms so quickly and I climbed out. As soon as my second foot hit the floor another contraction came and I dropped to my hands and knees. Seconds later, I was reaching down to grab a hold of Noah and pulled him up to my chest. I cried so hard. I’d done it. My baby boy was finally in my arms.

We all stayed for a couple of hours afterwards and the room was so full of oxytocin and love. I didn’t let go of Noah for a long time. He nursed, we cuddled, we all talked, laughed and drank a little champagne. I showered while Noah was showered with adoration and then we all went home at about 3:45 AM Noah’s birth was the best experience of my life. I’ve never felt so alive.”

If you want to create your own positive birth, you can start today!

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