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“I Felt Like Bloody Superwoman!”

We loved hearing Jemma’s birth story so we just had to share it with you all:

“Rohan was born on 15th October and we couldn’t be more pleased with the experience. We joined TCBS because we had a bad time in labour with our first baby, baby was posterior and we had all kinds of jargon thrown at us about ‘failure to progress’ etc., leading ultimately to an emergency caesarean.

I was interested in a VBAC this time, but not entirely sure I could do it. Doing the CBS course with my husband helped us to talk about the previous experience and to understand better what had happened and what to expect this time, as well as giving us some common language and strategies which was really important. We were much clearer on our birth preferences and we hired a doula to assist us in maintaining the birth space that we wanted in the hospital.

As it turned out, Rohan was also posterior and I had back labour again. I had inconsistent contractions at home (I was not even sure that they were the real thing) for several hours until I had such a strong one we decided we’d better head to the hospital. My waters broke when I got there and I was 10cm and pushing.

Thanks to CBS I was able to recognise and work with my natural reflex which was really strongly signalling when to ‘push’, and I just ignored the midwives telling me to ‘give one more push’ when it wasn’t what my body wanted to do. It was like my body and my baby were working in harmony, just like the affirmations MP3.

The best was when an obstetrician came in to check on me after about an hour of 2nd stage labour- and told me that if I had an episiotomy the baby would be out in 10 minutes. I could feel that baby was getting closer with each contraction, I couldn’t even imagine moving at that point (face down on hands and knees) and was so in the zone that without even lifting my head I just called out ‘NO, WE’RE FINE!’ and kept going. 10 minutes later Rohan was born. I felt like bloody superwoman afterwards and still do!”

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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