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I Breathed Our Son Into The World

This week’s birth story comes from the wonderful Lauren who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Laura Phillips of Calm Birth and Beyond covering Bridgewater, Somerset, UK.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful birth story of your gorgeous baby boy!


I had my baby boy at Bracken birth centre on 7th August 2022 at 11:13 pm weighing a healthy 8lb 1oz


After experiencing a difficult first birth I wanted to learn Hypnobirthing to keep calm and learn the skills to help me manage my labour.


I started labouring at home on Sunday 7th August. I lost my mucus plug in the morning. My surges started around 4pm that afternoon and I found them to be manageable whilst I was enjoying my family BBQ.


Early evening, I started focussing on my birth affirmations whilst bouncing on my birth ball to find comfortable positions. My husband was timing my surges and we found they were coming in thick and fast, so off to Bracken birth centre we went at around 6:30pm.


When we arrived, I planned to stay as active as I could by walking, rocking side to side and leaning on my husband for support. I had my birthing MP3s playing in the background to keep me focussed.

At around 8pm I then decided to enter the birthing pool to help with the surges. We focused on my breathing techniques and would repeat the method we learnt with every surge. I knew things were happening I could feel my baby coming. I had a moment where I felt I couldn’t carry on; however, my husband reminded me this was the transition stage and reminded me I was in total control and needed to let my body do what it needed to do.


With some gas and air, I breathed our son into the world at 11:13pm. Things were so calm, I picked him up from the water and just held him on my chest until I was ready to get out the pool to deliver my placenta.

I had no medical intervention, minimal examinations, skin to skin with baby, delayed cord clamping. With all being so well we left the hospital the next morning. Everything that I put in my birth plan was respected by the midwives. I cannot thank the amazing team at Bracken birth centre enough.


Thankyou Laura for teaching me and my husband these skills to help bring our son into the world.


I would highly recommend Hypnobirthing to anyone expecting, I used these tools to keep a calm mindset which helped me birth naturally.

If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

Sign up for our FREE Hypnobirthing Videos here or get in touch with one of our instructors here

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