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My Daughter Was Born Calmly and Peacefully on the Bathroom Floor

We loved this story from first time mum Victoria: “I would just like to introduce baby Fearne born Monday 28th March at 12.28am 10 days before my guess date. My waters broke at 7.30pm while watching the calm birth school week 3, we stayed calm and rang the hospital assessment number who asked us to call in to confirm it was my waters. We were assessed by a midwife when I started feeling what I thought were period like cramps. I took 2 paracetamol and a codeine and was told to go home and expect labour to start in the next 24 hours. I was booked in for Tuesday morning in case labour didn’t start naturally. We arrived home around 10.30pm where the pains became stronger and I felt the urge to push, feeling this wasn’t quite right my husband rang the maternity assessment and they sent a midwife straight out. By the time she arrived I was 9cm dilated and babies head was coming. She rang for the second midwife who arrived shortly after. I stayed calm and told myself I could do this and breathed through each wave bearing down and knowing that each one was helping my baby out. My husband said I was in a trance and the midwifes couldn’t believe this was my first baby I brought my daughter into the world at 12.28am on my bathroom floor at home 5 hours after my waters had broken. We didn’t even get a chance to use the birthing pool.

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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