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“They couldn’t believe how calm we were despite needing intervention…”

Gabby has kindly shared her birth story with us.  She describes how, even when intervention was required, she was able to stay calm and focused.

“I’ve finally found some time to share my calm birth story!!!

On 21st September, I had a particularly difficult senior leadership team meeting at work (I’m a teacher and SENCo). I joked with my boss he might send me into labour!! My husband had flown down to Exeter for work and I was on my own which was something I’d been a bit worried about…

I woke at 2.50am thinking I’d wet myself until I realised that even I didn’t gush that much when I went to the loo! I rang the midwife who asked me to go into hospital to be checked as I was five weeks early. I asked if I could wait until it was light as I would be driving myself – she agreed. I rang my deputy head to say I’d be late into work (? ?) who promptly turned up to my house and took me in!!!

The consultant was lovely and said it would be normal policy to keep me in but as he felt I was ‘sensible’, he’d let me go home and booked me appointments to be checked every two days for the next few weeks.

I went home, chilled, but the surges had already started. My friend came round and we sat in the garden eating cake until 3pm when my husband arrived home!! I continued to have more intense surges through the night, breathing and using my hypnobirthing tracks. Only once or twice did they feel ‘painful’ (intense?) but otherwise I was fine.

At 7am on 23rd, I told my husband we needed to go to hospital. When I rang, the midwife said it was probably an irritable uterus as I was far too calm to be well dilated… When I got in, I was 9cm!! The midwives were so impressed at how calm everything was!!
I continued working naturally until about 2.30pm but my contractions were really sporadic, and quite weak. I was exhausted too. Even so, we had lots of giggles with the midwives – it was very calm.

At 2.30, the consultant came in and suggested Syntocinon. I was reluctant so they gave us space to talk. We agreed. I was put on 8 mg and the surges became much more regular but baby’s heart rate dropped. The consultant told me baby needed to be delivered, explaining everything. I felt very respected and still calm, despite baby’s heart rate dropping. The second consultant took over – giving me clear instructions how to push with my surges whilst she used forceps. It was just what I needed – somebody to help me regain focus. After two pushes, Kitty was born!!

The staff were amazing – they couldn’t believe how calm we were despite needing intervention and said they wished everyone could be as calm and focused as we were.  Even when they were completing stitching, we were able to laugh. I sew, so asked what stitches they were using – the consultant told me she was doing cross stitch! My husband asked if she was doing the Bayeux Tapestry!!

I know my birth didn’t finish in the way I had hoped, but all throughout, it was calm, pain free (but intense), funny at times (the staff were great!) and when I needed them to, the staff took control and helped me to focus.  I knew exactly what my choices were and what they would mean due to the reading I’d done via Calm Birth School and it meant that I felt empowered the entire way. I also think it helped the staff (which we forget, I think) as they said we were so easy to work with.

Thank you to everyone here who answered questions and posted inspiring stories – it made our birth experience an entirely positive one. ?”

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