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Hypnobirthing made my caesarean birth a calm and enjoyable experience

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely lady who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Leanne Lawrence of Brighter Birthing covering Tring Hertfordshire.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with is!


“I was ecstatic to find out we were pregnant with baby number two and was very lucky to have a very wonderful pregnancy.

I decided early on that I was going to have an elective caesarean due to a difficult first birth.

I was becoming increasingly anxious about the birth so decided to do Hypnobirthing to prepare my mind and body for the birth.

I attended Leanne’s pregnancy relaxation classes and practiced my breathing and relaxations at home.  I talked to Leanne about my anxiety and she mentioned that she offered a private Hypnobirthing course specifically for caesarean birth.

These sessions were taught in our home and were amazing for both me and my husband. We had a chance to talk through our first experience and with Leanne’s support and Hypnobirthing techniques we both felt calm and ready for the birth.


We arrived at hospital as planned. While we were waiting for our baby to be born, we listened to the relaxation mp3s and my husband did some calming hand massage.

I had my mp3s playing during the operation and everyone involved was really on board with our Hypnobirthing preferences.

I felt calm, relaxed and in control the whole way through.


Our beautiful boy was born on 10th January 2019 at 09:07 weighing 8 lbs 15 oz and we had delayed cord clamping and I had skin to skin straight away.  Despite having successfully breastfed my older son, I had difficulty getting Arthur’s latch right so with help, I hand-expressed my colostrum to give to him.  We went home the next day and introduced Arthur to his big brother. My hormones were everywhere and I spent a few days being very tearful and up and down. We had no visitors for the first two weeks and just spent time getting used to be a family of four! Lots of cuddles on the sofa and time to get the hand of breastfeeding again!


I was lucky to recover really well and felt that my positive birth experience helped me to recover from my first birth experience.  I am loving being a mum to two, although it is harder than I had thought it would be having two under two!  I love watching their little friendship grow.

Looking back on Arthur’s birth, I feel that having an elective c section was right for me and right for us as a family.

Hypnobirthing made my caesarean birth a calm and enjoyable experience.


If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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