This week’s birth story comes from the lovely couple Katey & Shane who gave birth to Archer Douglas after attending Hypnobirthing sessions with Katie Daibess of Your Birth and Becoming, covering Troy, Michigan in the USA.
Thank you for sharing your story with us!
“I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that I wanted to do my best to have a natural birth and to feel as in control of what would happen in 9-10 months as I possibly could.
Following hypnobirthing classes with Katie, my husband and I felt mentally prepared to take on the challenge. We also felt confident and educated regarding all of our different options should things trend in an unexpected direction (as they often do).
At my 36 week ultrasound, we were given the news that baby boy was in a breech position and that this particular practice would not allow for a vaginal birth if he were to stay this way. While initially I was pretty disappointed, (especially after months of picturing how his birth would go), I came to terms with the change in direction pretty quickly. Katie’s course helped us to prepare for so many scenarios and we always knew this was a possibility, no matter how slim the chances were.
My husband took the tools he learned in class and advocated for me right then and there at the OB appt. He asked the doctor to please give us the weekend to discuss the possibility of a Version procedure, or to move forward with the planned Caesarean. I was so grateful, because in that moment my knee-jerk reaction was to consent to the surgery and get on the books immediately. His firm request gave me peace of mind and time to consider what I wanted.
In the following days, we had time to weigh the pros and cons of a Version procedure, talk this new path through with Katie and read up on materials she provided, and educate ourselves on the risks for both Version and Caesarean procedures. In the end, Baby Archer was born via scheduled Caesarean on December 5th, and we could not have been happier with the choices we made that led us to his delivery.
Often times, women feel they were robbed of the childbirth experience in a scenario such as this, but I have to admit I felt and continue to feel pretty empowered. As Katie reiterates in class often – Caesarean deliveries are just as valid as vaginal – it is a major abdominal surgery that you are wide awake for! It’s pretty astounding what we as women go through to bring our babies earth-side. I am proud of myself and our birth story, regardless of the major change in the type of delivery it took to bring our little guy here.
We owe a lot of the positive parts of our experience to Katie. Katie, thank you so much! You taught us techniques that kept us calm and in the moment during delivery (breathing patterns, affirmations, and the power of education to make informed decisions) and continue to check-in on myself and baby postpartum. You’re an amazing educator who has truly mastered her craft and we’d recommend your course 10/10 to anyone embarking on their journey to parenthood!! ”
If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!
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