A fantastic birth story from the amazing Lizzie with baby Matilda. We loved hearing how you were empowered, in control and making the decisions that were right for you and your baby. Congratulations…..
I just wanted to say thank you to The Calm Birth School for helping me calmly and positively deliver my second daughter, Matilda Florence Mary Thorne on Tues 24th March. She looked so different to what we were expecting, we’ve only just settled on a name which is why I’m a bit late in posting this!
Matilda’s birth wasn’t quite what I’d planned for, in that I was in hospital and (I felt) was slowly being pushed down a route of ‘high risk’ due to her measuring small on the scans (UCLH where I delivered offers a 3rd growth scan at 36 weeks). Whilst all the scans were fine and showed my baby’s blood flows and organs to be working fine, her wee legs were measuring small and so she fell below the lowest percentile for size. This meant I was in 4 days before due date having a further scan to check her size again. Despite the fact I was clearly contracting during this scan and that I knew labour had started, I found myself having theoretical conversations about being induced and the baby’s heart rate had to be monitored. I was unhappy and uncomfortable that no one was listening to me, on the one hand I knew I was in the best place for me, I delivered my first daughter very quickly so I knew that being in hospital already was a positive, and on the other hand, being strapped to a machine and being monitored on the labour ward was a far cry from the calm birth I’d envisaged – I was worried the next step would be intervention. I started to get upset and panicky. Then I realised I was in control, I breathed and I asked the questions I needed to ask, got the right answers and eventually the consultant agreed that I didn’t need to be monitored and I was left to it. Once I felt back in control everything happened pretty quickly – the midwives were brilliant, they found me a birthing ball and let me have gas and air at 3 cm and an hour later my surges were getting really strong. My husband said wow – last time I saw you like this you were about to start pushing, and with that I literally felt my baby moving down the birth canal and with 2 pushes she was out! 6lbs exactly, so yes a bit small, but perfect in every way!
I wouldn’t say my birth story was a vision of what hypnobirthing would typically look like – I think I labour very hard and fast so yes it was painful and I was loud but I also felt strangely exhilarated and in control thanks to the relaxation and breathing techniques I learnt on this course. Surges don’t last for ever and I can honestly say that affirmation about the contraction not being stronger than you got me through some extreme moments. So Hollie and Suzy thank you again, thanks for telling me I have a BRAIN and all you great ladies good luck with your birth experiences.
To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here: www.thecalmbirthschool.com/freehypnobirthing-2016