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Jocelyn’s quick med-free birth!

A wonderful birth story to share with you today from Jocelyn.

“Hi all, so it’s been 8 days but here is my Guatemalan hospital birth story!

On Sunday night ( 2 weeks before my due date) after speaking to my mum and dad on skype about their pending visit, I start to have stomach cramps but really low down, I go to bed and use my breathing. I think, well if my body is practicing, then I will too and breath through them!

But I timed them and they are every 10 minutes, then 5, then 10, then 12, very irregular. But two hours later the doc tells us we should come in for a check (my husband was not even going to bring the hospital bags!). And it turns out I’m already 7cm, so its on!

No time for any meds (or to decide if I wanted them!), an hour later I’m in the hospital ‘birth room’. Pain free it was not, but she arrived less than an hour later of active birth. 5 hours from my first surge to the end, and I’m certain it was my breathing and relaxation that made it go so quick.

So thank you Suzy Ashworth and The Calm Birth School If you had told me 3 months ago I would give birth in 5 hours completely med free, I would have laughed at you!

Finally after a few days deliberation, we have settled on her name – Anna Sofia.”

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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