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“…my inner hypnobirthing voice must have known better…”

Here’s a great Calm Birth Story from Mel! Mel sent her Birth Story to her TCBS Instructor, Liz Stanford from Enhance Your Birth, who is also our TCBS Training Manager! Thanks for sharing! 

Dylan Spencer Allan decided to make an early appearance on Monday morning, 3 weeks early! He eventually passed his blood sugars so we are now home.
So, as I expected it was all a little bit quick… Surges began at 1:15am. I initially thought it was baby doing his usual head butting my pubic bone/pelvis and then started timing them…40-60seconds every 2.5 minutes! So I thought it best to wake Jonny who good as gold calmly rang my mum and the hospital.
We got to hospital and met the midwife at 2:12am….and Dylan arrived at 3:53am! So hypnobirthing… Understanding the process of labour, what options I had for positioning, the affirmations, breathing, massage and background music were all utilised – in my own unique way!
I did use gas and air but intermittently, mostly used my take on breathing – I struggled mostly to breathe in rather than out which had been the case when I’d been practicing!! I did also ask for pethidine but then I changed my mind (as it affected me badly last time) my inner hypnobirthing voice must have known better.
I bossed Jonny about a bit… He would say “breathe” and I’d say “no! Count!” as that was more helpful to me! He massaged my back but again I could only tolerate the heel of his hand and not his fingers or palm as he made me too hot!
At one stage I felt like I couldn’t do it and I said I was scared but Jonny and my midwife were super encouraging and kept reassuring me. Also (I don’t remember) Jonny said I was also telling myself I could do it – must have been my inner hypnobirthing voice again .
I wasn’t a picture of serenity like the videos but I was able to zone in from time to time on the music and the spaces in between which must have helped. Jonny really says hypnobirthing helped me. He thinks I was a star.
Thanks Liz. So very glad to have done the hypnobirthing course. It made this experience so much better!!”


To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up to our video course here. You can try before you buy with our free classes here.

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