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“I want to shout it from the hills and do it all over again……..”

A beautiful birth story for you from Danielle. Thank you for sharing x

“Hey I’m Dani and I feel compelled to share my birth story with every single women out there!

After 8 long years we finally conceived via IVF our first pregnancy back in October. Absolutely overjoyed by the news and ready for my pregnancy journey to become that of which my dreams were made of I was sadly very rudely awakened….I suffered debilitating HG up until 34 weeks, vomiting between 8 and 20 times a day, everyday. It took its toll and I have to say I had some very dark days where I thought I couldn’t go on.

Why am I telling you this? Well it’s what led me on my quest to seek out an alternative ending to what had become my nightmare. It was my lifelong ambition to carry and give birth to a beautiful healthy baby, all my hopes and dreams were made of these moments but yet these moments were far from my dreams. I was determined that I would at very least be completely in control of my birth story and it was going to be a calm and empowering experience, giving me back all I’d lost along the way.

I found the calm birth school and along with pregnancy yoga and a mountain of reading on hypnobirthing I did my homework and felt ready for the big day.

I felt my first surge 1.30am and Since it was my first born we both figured we would be in it for the long run so Hubby ran me a bath and I sent him back to bed. I switched on my hypnobirthing soundtrack and relaxed into my zone visualising the journey ahead, I was excited, I knew we would be meeting our baby soon.

It was just as I’d practised, I simply breathed through each surge and felt completely in control. My waters released in the bath at around 2.30am at which point I woke hubby who timed my surges and so we calmly and slowly made our way to the hospital, Much to my disbelief rather than stool the event I felt my surges strengthen and lengthen enroute and my wonderful husband kept me calm coaching my breathing through the transition from home to hospital despite the overwhelming urge to push.

When we arrived at the hospital my care team were very laid back and confident after my examination they would be sending me home as it was my first, I knew differently however afterward they told me it was because I was so calm and controlled through my surge on arrival.

My husband explained we were hypnobirthing and that we would like the pool prepared ASAP as I was ready to breath my baby down. When they examined me a little after 3.30am on arrival they were shocked to see I was 9cm open, all of a sudden the pool was a priority.

My husband and I got into the pool at 4.30am and by 5.30am I had breathed our baby down, out and into the world calmly and in control without a single drug, not even gas and air. I did it just the way I had visualised.
Baby Oakley Grey James Whitman was born without any stress on July 7th, 8lb1oz at 5.29am.

My mother later found my midwife in the corridor crying, apparently it was the most beautiful birth she had ever witnessed, she told me it was her first ever ‘hypnobirth’ and when I thanked her for believing in my body and allowing me my wishes she replied that she was just an observer in the room and felt privileged to be there. My second midwife in her words told me I had just ‘achieved the absolute impossible’ apparently Oak was born back to back and she hadn’t ever known that situation and baby positioning to not bring about complications often leading to epidurals, drugs and intervention.

I must admit when studying hypnobirthing a part of me was disbelieving of all the testaments, I thought theses women must have high pain thresholds or glamorise the truth. I am not one of those women but I promise you I felt no pain throughout, just intense pressure and empowerment.

I want to shout it from the hills and do it all over again….I am so forever changed that I am taking the midwifes advise and looking into teaching others to simply believe in their bodies, I hope to see many other wonderful women experience a beautiful birth they deserve.

Thank you calm birth school and the whole hypnobirthing community…. Us Women rock!”

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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