Hi I’m Sarah, I’ve been a birth and postnatal doula since 2009 and have supported many families on their pregnancy and birth journeys. Having seen first-hand the amazing power of hypnobirthing I decided to become a teacher myself and chose the Calm Birth School to train with and I flipping LOVE it!!
I am a huge advocate of choice in birth, I want all my clients to feel informed and educated about their bodies, the birth process and their decision making so that they can have the most positive experience possible. I’m not promising pain-free orgasmic birth experiences to all women (although they do exist, honestly!!) What I am offering, is the ability to tap into something that’s actually already at your fingertips-the ability to instinctively birth your baby, as women have been doing for thousands of years. I want to help you to peel away the fear surrounding birth, the lack of trust in our bodies and the mental blocks modern society has placed in front of us.
Don’t be scared-be POWERFUL.
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram or check out my website to find out about learning the tools of hypnobirthing with me, you can either learn privately in your own home (in Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch) or in one of my small group classes held in Southbourne. I’m super friendly, super enthusiastic and love a laugh so you will find my teaching methods relaxing and fun and all the while you’ll be learning how to totally ROCK YOUR BIRTH.