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Georgina Forsyth

Contact Information
Netherley, Scotland AB39 3SA, United Kingdom
Detailed Information

If you had asked me 2 years ago what I wanted to do with my life a hypnobirthing teacher was definitely not on the list. I would have probably said a hippo ? what?

It’s funny how life’s twist and turns take you to exactly where you should be.

10 years ago I gave birth to the most wonderful baby girl. Her birth was not what I would call positive but it wasn’t until becoming pregnant with Florence, 8 years later, that I realised how much the trauma of Millie’s birth had and still does affect me (and possibly her) and how determined I was to not let that happen again.
Hypnobirthing gave me control, gave me my voice to say no … or yes … or maybe…. or simply why? It gave me options and choices that I never allowed myself 1st time round.

Florence was born naturally, at home using Hypnobirthing techniques. I can honestly say I loved giving birth. It was a relaxing, positive, loving, empowering experience and I was able to share that with my supportive partner, daughter and parents. I feel passionately that birth is about support, confidence and information and I found all of these thing through Hypnobirthing.

I now join Jade Gordon and her award winning company SONA mum.  I am so excited to work with SONA mum and be able to share the techniques I used and have learned with other mothers, partners and their support networks, so that everyone can have and talk about positive births and remove the stigma and secrecy around birth, that instils so much fear and anxiety.

Happy Hypnobirthing and I look forward to meeting some of you very soon xxx

This instructor has completed the following additional training via The Calm Birth School

The Queer Birth Club StickerBirth Trauma sticker