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Who can become a hypnobirthing instructor?

Who can become a hypnobirthing instructor?

Welcome to the Aspiring hypnobirthing Instructor podcast. I'm Liz Stanford, your host, hypnobirthing instructor, hypnobirthing trainer, hypnotherapist, mindset coach, author, and owner of the Calm Birth School. Before we get into today's podcast, I really wanted to...

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We Did It Baby!!

We Did It Baby!!

This week’s birth story comes from one of our very own TCBS Instructors – Rachel Alred of The Listening Doula. Rachel shares her wonderful birth story of their gorgeous baby boy who is now 18 months old. Rachel and her family have recently relocated to the north of...

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I Breathed Our Son Into The World

I Breathed Our Son Into The World

This week’s birth story comes from the wonderful Lauren who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Laura Phillips of Calm Birth and Beyond covering Bridgewater, Somerset, UK. Thank you for sharing this wonderful birth story of your gorgeous baby boy!   I had...

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IS HYPNOBIRTHING BEING DILUTED? So, please, hear me when I say, I have NO problem with hypnobirthing evolving but I DO (it seems) have an issue with it being diluted. Now, I know that some people will roll their eyes at me and think I am some old fuddy duddy wanting...

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I Felt Like Superwoman!

I Felt Like Superwoman!

This week’s birth story comes from the lovely Claire and Craig who attended a Hypnobirthing Workshop with Charlotte Gillespie of Grow With The Flo Hypnobirthing across Aberdeen, Scotland. Thank you for sharing the arrival of Jude with us! “So I did a lot of reading...

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This Time My Body Just Did It For Me, I Was Just Amazed.

This Time My Body Just Did It For Me, I Was Just Amazed.

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple Grace and Dan who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Sarah Tuite of  Before You Birth – Hypnobirthing Teaching covering Brixham, South Devon. Thank you for sharing this wonderful, positive birth story! “It...

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I Was So Proud Of Myself And Still Am

I Was So Proud Of Myself And Still Am

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple Alex and Rich who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing 121 Course with Charlotte Inkpin of Hypnobirthing with Charlotte, covering areas across Braintree, Essex. Thank you for sharing such a positive arrival of Teddy with us!...

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A Truly Empowering Experience Thanks To Hypnobirthing

A Truly Empowering Experience Thanks To Hypnobirthing

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple Vicki and Sandy who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Jade Edwards of Embrace Hypnobirthing covering Dorking, Surrey. Thank you for sharing this wonderful birth story of Callahan with us! “We really enjoyed...

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