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Your Class Got Me Through THE Most Difficult Moment Of My Life!

This week’s birth story comes from a great couple Katie and Nick who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Katie Daibess of Birth and Becoming based in Troy, Michigan USA.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!

“I wanted to tell you a little bit about my birth story. So, first things first, I felt super comfortable and confident going into labour even though I was two weeks early. My water broke about 11 AM and I took my time getting to the hospital because I wasn’t having any contractions at the moment. So I showered and straightened up the house and then headed up to the hospital with my mom because Nick wasn’t home. We were entered into triage about 4.30 and I wasn’t in my birth room until about 7.30, so at no point during the day was I really able to labour on my own. I wanted to get into my room and get some music on and get my oxytocin flowing and try on my own.

After about an hour I agreed to Pitocin and my contractions had started. I was able to breathe through them and honestly the wave breathing saved my life. I’m not sure if it was the counting part or the breaths but it definitely helped. After that I was asked if I wanted epidural and I declined and said that I would prefer to wait. They were very pushy, and I ended up deciding to move forward with it once my contractions became more intense. After that I had to wait three hours for the anaesthesiologist to come in. Getting the epidural hurt so bad and I was not prepared for the pain that I was feeling. However, after asking around, I don’t think that it was done properly. I wasn’t sure if it took but being a first-time mom, I had nothing to compare it to.

After that I was changing positions about every hour and around 5 AM I knew that I was almost at my breaking point. My contractions were very intense, and I told my nurse that I felt that I was ready to start pushing. She went to go get the other nurses and doctors and they said that they had called my doctor but that he was not yet on the way.

The contractions became more intense, and nobody had set me up for a proper delivery position even though I requested to be on my knees or on my side. So, I was basically delivering on my own with nowhere to bear down. The nurses helped me push two times before telling me that I had to wait until stop pushing. At that point my body took over and said no way – we are having this baby. So, with zero assistance and in no proper position to birth my child, I did it on my own.

After talking to a friend of mine that was a nurse, I learned that I wouldn’t have been able to put myself in the positions that I had if my epidural had been placed properly. I will say the one thing that saved my life for the affirmations of telling myself that every moment that I went through would be worth it in the end. And boy was I right. I went through a lot, but I had the confidence of knowing that my body knew what to do and I have Katie my hypnobirthing instructor to thank for that. Thank you so much for helping me through one of the biggest moments of my life even though it didn’t go quite as planned. It was a lot to handle in the moment but I’m so serious when I say that your class got me through THE most difficult moment of my life. I will be sharing your info with every soon to be mom that I meet!”


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