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Would I do it again was the question asked… yes in a heartbeat

This week’s birth story comes from a gorgeous couple Taryn and Owen, who attended TCBS with Madeleine Leizerman from Worcestershire HypnoBirthing and Mums Wellbeing Hub. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us.
“On the 14th August 2019 I gave birth to Mabel at 40 wks + 6 weighing 7 lb 12 oz arriving at 9:43 am.
The day started off like any other day but in my head, but I knew by the night labour would start. So, I convinced my husband and went for a haircut, ready to meet the new arrival. I cleaned the house, the final push at nesting. At 8 pm I got in the bath, having worked really hard on the house, to have a pamper. Whilst in the bath I started noticing a feeling in my back. This I shrugged off as Braxton hicks; little did I actually realise I was in labour!!
Having had a good soak, I got out the bath at 10 pm to chill on my birth ball thinking this would ease the back ache. By 11 pm I started to become aware of this sensation starting in my back happening regularly. My husband suggested we time them. They were coming every 4 minutes lasting 1 minute each time. By 12:30 am I rang the birth centre to say they were coming every 3 minutes and lasting 1 minute and with the patterns forming I realised these were surges. They suggested I go in, but I was so relaxed I was happy to be on my ball and didn’t want to go yet, believing this wasn’t established labour.
We arrived at the Meadow Birth Centre; the midwife run unit I had dreamt of giving birth on throughout the pregnancy. We were shown to the Poppy Suite where I was examined to realise, I was 9 cm dilated. Totally surprised at how relaxed I was using my wave breathing, the midwives began to fill up the pool. They were full of praise at how well I had done, no pain relief at all.
During my time in the pool I was able to have the gas and air, but this was taken away during the baring down stage. After two and a half hours of pushing the midwives felt I needed assistance. Calmly I went around to delivery suite and I was prepped for theatre, I was so relaxed I feel asleep in there and they had to wake me up after half an hour while they prepared.
My labour did end with forceps but with the hypnobirthing experience I gained, I was calm and fully informed of all my choices. I was able to enjoy the theatre experience and I was glad on reflection I got to see almost two sides of a birth. The pool experience and theatre. Both were beautiful relaxed experiences and perfect for me and my baby.
Would I do it again was the question asked… yes in a heartbeat”.
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