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Wonderful Homebirth story of Luca James.

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple who attended a TCBS refresher Hypnobirthing Course with Ruth Warrilow of Flora-Lily Birth School covering areas across Chester.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful home birth story of the amazing Luca James!

“Luca James arrived on 1/2/24 at 2.06pm at home. Surges begin in the early hours and by 10am we had contacted the midwives to let them know where I was up to. It was all very calm, and I used the breathing techniques and tens machine to stay in control. Dan & my Mum got the birthing pool up and I used the side to help me get in a comfortable position and continued breathing through the surges. 

There was an instant relief when I got in the pool, and I had a little break from my surges as my body adjusted to the changes. I allowed for one examination but didn’t want to know how far on I was, but the midwife needed to stay and soon contacted a colleague to join her. 

The surges got more intense, and I continued to breathe through it. Active labour lasted less than 20 minutes. The membranes were still intact until late on and I’d actually pushed out a balloon which the midwives first thought was his head. Luca was then born in the pool at 2.06 and I lifted him from between my legs and enjoyed those first magical moments. 

The placenta came out easily (I opted for the injection following a possible PPH with my first baby) and I lost hardly any blood at all. No stitches were needed as I was able to stay in comfortable positions throughout and move around as I wished. 

I am so proud and super grateful for your refresher course and the mp3s, that my Dan is now glad we don’t have to have on repeat, but I secretly miss!!!”

If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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If you want to know more about training to teach hypnobirthing take a look here

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