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When Home Births Don’t Go To Plan!

We loved reading this story. This is what can happen when your home birth doesn’t go to plan!

So after starting to plan a home birth, baby decided to come at 38 weeks. We were just dozing off to sleep after listening to our relaxation MP3 when I was woken by a hard kick followed by my waters breaking. So I woke my husband who started to panic a little but calmed down and phoned the midwife.
Unfortunately the calls were diverted to the hospital as none of our midwives were actually available that evening. The hospital told us to come in. I was instantly on edge as had been told that the midwives would come to the flat and I had already started running my bath and started by preparations. Michael threw the remaining bits into the hospital bag and set up my music on my phone.
On the way to the hospital in the cab I used my breathing and visualisations and the midwives at the hospital were convinced I would probably return home as I seemed quite calm and quiet. After very reluctantly agreeing to a vaginal examination they found I was 5 cm dilated but they wanted to monitor baby as they had concerns about his heart rate. Then I started to panic as my hopes for a home birth were also not an option. No balls, activity or water pool. I was strapped up to the machines and asked to lie down. All I can say is I put on my MP3s on repeated my breathing and blocked everyone out.
When I wanted to get on all fours I just did!
Michael was amazing he asked them to dim the lights and when they kept trying to show me graphs and suggested pain relief he was the perfect protector. Inevitably the contractions slowed and as I was feeling the urge to push was told I was still only 5 cm! But I thought “it’s just a moment in time”. Then a whole group of doctors came into the room and I vaguely remember words and discussions about c sections and intervening due to concerns about the chord and head position.
Thanks to the breathing techniques, visualisations gas and air and my incredible husband who had to keep putting my headphones back into my ears when they feel out. After 5 1/2 hours and some gas and air my little boy was born. The midwife actually kissed me and said how impressed she was. I can’t thank you ladies enough the amount of times you both appeared into my head and your words of wisdom kept me going.

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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