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My Quick and Easy Hospital Birth

Marino Tommaseo Ponzetta 7.97/3.62kgs was born yesterday morning at 4.11am after just a little over 5-hours from start to finish, all natural (they don’t do gas and air if you were meant to Aqua in Italy). All the signs in your last module were there (although can I admit to having watched that module literally earlier that day). But meant I knew what was happening (quickly albeit). Going to hospital by boat was an experience too as I started having surges at 2-3 mins apart but didn’t think they were strong enough to go but everything pointed to it by the timing of them.

Only shame was no Aqua sadly as I went from 3cm to 9cm in just over an hour so the hospital didn’t have time to put water in their tub as then I was too far along. My husband Luigi was a godsend reminding me near the end when the really tough surges were happening to relax and breath. Breathing with him helped me through the last part. I had crowning and popped back in so had to do that twice but he is a happy tranquil boy (I put this down to hypno relaxation & my not working ?.
I feel very blessed and lucky at 41yo to have had such an uncomplicated, healthy, quick, natural birth. Having prepared with TCBS meant I felt ready to try to have as good a birth as I could and that I certainly did.

Thanks for everything! Xx

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