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Natasha Roared Her Way Through Labour!

“I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to Suzy Ashworth and anyone in this group that offered advice and support during my pregnancy. Thanks to the Calm Birth School I was able to have the birth experience I had imagined.

My son Buddy Jude Middleditch was born on 10th September and I’m so in love with him!! The breathing techniques, MP3’s and The Calm Birth School wisdom helped me to feel confidant and prepared for anything.

I was overdue and an induction was pending but the day before it I went in to labour. I was able to stay at home and work through my surges and then go to our local birth center. I found the affirmations incredibly helpful and had them on repeat. I wrote some of the positive affirmations down on some cards and added some things that I knew would keep me going and my husband read them to me. This really helped, hearing his voice made me feel safe and got me to relax. I think this helped my husband to come up with things to say when I was struggling.

When I was in the birth pool I remember him telling me to think of the baby’s tiny hands and feet and to imagine the fun we will all have together. The other thing that helped me during each surge was to imagine waves coming in and out. During the final stages I imagined I was a lion on the shore and to push the waves back out I’d roar. This may sound strange but it really helped me to maintain my breathing and focus.

The Calm Birth School also helped me to cope with an infection I had after the birth. I am so grateful for all the invaluable advice and tools that The Calm Birth School gave me. Thank you so much! Xxx

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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