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I Used The Breathing Techniques The Whole Way Through

This week’s birth story comes from a lovely couple who attended a TCBS Hypnobirthing Course with Laura Phillips of Calm Birth and Beyond covering Bridgewater, Somerset, UK.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful calm birth story of baby Ava with us!

“We had a water birth at the Bracken centre at Musgrove.

My waters broke on the morning of Sunday 17th October 2021. We called the Bracken centre and made our way there. As my contractions were around one in every half an hour, we were sent home with some essential oils for my partner to rub into my back and shoulders.

Contractions then increased to two every 10 minutes, we made our way back to Bracken. We were given a room which had some positive affirmations up on the walls, and a woodland themed wall, along with a bath, toilet, bed and some chairs. It was only myself, my partner and my mum on the whole ward.

I used the breathing techniques the whole way through. Breathing in for seven and out for seven through contractions. My partner must have counted to seven ten thousand times! He was amazing! I used gas and air in the last 40 minutes. Then our perfect girl, Ava Lorraine arrived at 4.43 am on Monday 18th October, weighing 7lb 5 ½ oz. I couldn’t believe she was here, I kept saying to her I couldn’t believe she was here, I thanked her for being so kind to me and I wished her a happy birthday. My partner held us both as we cried with happiness.

We chose delayed cord clamping, so our little girl was on my chest getting skin to skin perfectness!

My mum cut the umbilical cord and couldn’t believe quite how tough it was!

It may sound crazy, but I had a lovely birth! And I truly believe attending the hypnobirthing classes helped with this. The breathing techniques were what I found most helpful. I would most definitely recommend hypnobirthing to others.

I’d like to thank Laura and The Calm Birth School for preparing my partner and I for a positive birth. I truly believe all the information we gained from the course helped in our positive birth”.


If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

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