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I feel justified in saying that this was MY perfect birth

This me. Age 29. After the birth of my second child.

I cannot tell you how much I love this photo. It fills my heart every time I look at it. I can see and feel the joy that I experienced in this moment.

I don’t use the word ‘perfect’ lightly and I feel that in the wrong context it can be dangerous but having experienced a birth with intervention, I feel justified in saying that this was MY perfect birth. It was joyful, raw and intimate.

During this pregnancy and in the wake of how my first birth had ended, I had a couple of wobbles. Mainly related to the thought of experiencing intervention again but I refreshed my Hypnobirthing knowledge and I had matured so much in those 2 years as a parent that I soon felt ready to birth again.

My waters released whilst watching TV on my due date and the surges seemed to start immediately! It was a slow build though and I sat reading magazines whilst sitting on my birthing ball with my husband casually lying in bed timing them. We were very relaxed and happy.

As the surges intensified and we made the decision to go into the hospital. I got down on my knees in my 2-year-old daughters’ room and prayed. Prayed for strength of mind and body and I remember feeling a wrench on my heart as I left her sleeping (in the care of my mother-in-law).

As I left the house, I can honestly say, I had no fear.

I remember walking in with a smile on my face and the midwife greeting me, showing me into my room which she had pre-prepared as a dimly lit haven, with gentle music playing in the background.

The birth was pretty quick! The hospital staff were so supportive of Hypnobirthing and I felt much more respected than I had during my first birth.

I leaned on my husband for support both mentally and physically- I remained very close to him. So much so that the midwife said she had never seen a couple work so beautifully together during a birth. It felt like a team effort (with me doing most of the work!).

I drew upon my Hypnobirthing knowledge, tools and techniques and the lessons I had learnt from my first birth.

As I approached the birthing phase I had a mini ‘freak’ out where I declared that I had had enough and I was heading home immediately! But with some soothing reassurance from my mum, my husband and the midwife I realised that my baby was nearly here and within a really short time- he was born!

No drugs, no cuts or tearing, no intervention- all me! I felt so good and energised and we were home the same day!!! My mind buzzed- so birth really could be like this too?!!! Amazing.

It was after this birth that I realised that I HAD to train to teach Hypnobirthing and pass this stuff on!! It was clear in my mind that not all births will be perfect but Hypnobirthing was the technique that was needed to help women navigate birth no matter what was thrown at them.

So, at The Calm Birth School, we can’t & we won’t promise you perfect & pain free but whether you do an online course or a course with an instructor we will give you everything you need to create the most positive experience that you can! I want you to have the best possible chance of feeling like I did after this birth (I would literally do it all again just really feel this feeling of triumph and pride!)

You can sign up for our free videos via the contact form on our website  or take a look here for a teacher in your area 

Liz x

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