This week’s birth story comes from one of our very own Hypnobirthing Instructors Elaine Campbell of The Nest Birthing, in Falkirk Scotland. Elaine gave birth to the gorgeous Abigail a little earlier than expected in November 2021.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!
“Week 34 – I was so excited for this appointment. we were planning a home birth and the midwife was coming to the house to assess for access and discuss home birth with us. The few weeks prior to this appointment I caught a bowel infection and was really unwell. 2 weeks of feeling sick and stuck on the toilet, I had lost over a stone in weight and was becoming more anaemic every day, but this appointment was keeping me going . Midwife checked my urine and measured my bump and my appointment ended quickly with me going straight to triage. My placenta wasn’t working as efficiently as it should and the blood flow to baby had to be monitored closely. My baby was measuring small, and we knew then that my plan A of a home birth wasn’t the safest option.
From that day on I had 3 more scans and consultant checks to ensure baby was growing and was safe. This was a huge shock to me, and I was anxious. My previous 2 pregnancies were so straight forward. I had to use my breathing techniques and my rational brain to remind myself that we were both safe and so lucky to have such an amazing team around making sure we were well. 1 week on and I was finally starting to feel more human. I even managed an afternoon tea with my sister, Mum and Granny. I started to get organised and pack my hospital bags as the consultant had advised they may suggest induction at any point.
14th November 2021, 35 weeks and 2 Days– the day after my afternoon tea. I woke early with a crampy stomach. After having a bowel infection for 3 weeks I was used to a sore tummy. I just assumed it was the first food I had eaten, and my stomach wasn’t coping well. The 2 other children were up and so I got up and sorted breakfast. A couple of hours passed, and I was more aware that these cramps were still there and starting to become more regular. Still not thinking too much about it I got myself showered and headed into triage just to get everything checked. If this had been a normal circumstance I probably wouldn’t have gone in, I just thought I’d better get things checked since the consultant was keeping an eye on baby.
When in triage I was hooked up to the monitor to check on baby’s heart rate. We were left for a while just Ross and I. The tightenings were beginning to come more regularly, around every 6 minutes but I was comfortable and just used my calm birth breathing with every tightening. A doctor came to check on me and performed a protein swab test to check if I was actually in labour or if my body was going into labour soon. No one at this point actually checked to see if I was dilating or if I was surging. While we waited, another lady came into triage and gave birth very quickly (all the midwife staff attended to her). By this time, I was desperate for the toilet, but no one had come back to tell me the results of my test or to check on babies heart rate yet. When the midwife eventually came, I asked to come off the monitor and go to the loo. As I stood up, I felt my waters release. I quickly went to the toilet and by the time I got back, it was confirmed I was in labour, and they were going to take me up to the labour ward so they could keep an eye on baby (5 weeks early). Still at this point I had no internal examinations. I knew this baby wasn’t wasting any time and things ramped up quick. I could feel baby in my bottom and this baby was going to be born soon. The midwife quickly helped me onto a wheelchair, and we rushed along the corridor and into the lift. I breathed big deep inhalations in and out all the way up in the lift let the midwife know my baby’s head was there. As I could feel my body bearing down, I was met in the labour room with a few medical staff all ready for my baby being born preterm. The doctor helped me onto a bed and quickly examined me. To her surprise, my baby was there. At this point it all became quite emotional and overwhelming. I really didn’t want to birth lying down on a bed but my baby was coming so fast I didn’t have time to move into a more upright position or on all fours like I had with my previous births. I remember turning slightly on my side and holding onto Ross. I used my birth breathing and our perfect baby girl was born exactly 5 minutes from my waters releasing at 12.08pm.
Baby Abigail was checked over and Ross cut the cord. Once checked, she was placed straight on me for skin to skin and she quickly latched on for her first feed. Being preterm we were concerned about how much extra help she may need but Abigail was amazing and didn’t need anything. I asked for the injection to help birth my placenta, which came away within a few minutes. I was fortunate that I didn’t need any stitches, so we were able to spend time the 3 of us in the room bonding and getting to know our little one. We stayed in hospital for 2 days for the medical team to keep an eye on Abigail as she was preterm, but we were able to get home and enjoy time as a family and let Abigail meet her big brother and sister quickly after.
We really are so blessed that we had such a wonderful and positive experience even although Abigail was born earlier than expected. I trusted my body knew what to do and breathed my way through the whole labour. Up until 5 minutes before Abigail was born, I wasn’t even convinced I was in labour, in fact we even left my bags in the car . The Calm Birth Method really helped with my birth preparation and gave me the tools to have such a positive birth and a very quick recovery afterwards.”
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