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“Hypnobirthing was what got me through all of the rush and shock of the whole day…”

This week’s birth story comes from Jodie, thank you for sharing Jodie!

“…My waters broke in the morning (although I was unaware it was my waters) I was only 36 weeks + 3 days so I had to go in to be checked over.
When they checked and put me on the monitor I was contracting 5 minutes apart. When they checked for baby they could see feet instead of a head! So they gave me the options and risks of trying to deliver breech for my first baby.
After hearing the risks I decided to agree to the c section – much to my disappointment and felt a bit gutted I couldn’t do it myself. I was scheduled for 2 o’clock but at 12.30 my contractions were a minute apart and he was making his way out!
I still felt very calm and every time the midwife asked if I was in pain or discomfort I replied ‘discomfort’, from all the training we had done I was breathing through them absolutely fine!
The midwives were shocked at how calm I was!
I was rushed in early, ahead of schedule as he was coming faster than expected and sailed through the section fine even though it used to be a big fear of mine. Again, the midwives were surprised how relaxed I was, still laying so calmly on the table.
Once they went in they found he had the cord round his neck twice and told me if I had tried to deliver naturally we would’ve come across some problems so obviously it was the right path to take.
Since having Oscar a few people have actually said to me; what a shame you didn’t get to put all your training to use from your hypnobirthing, my response is that hypnobirthing was what got me through all of the rush and shock of the whole day & making sure he was delivered safely.
He is tiny, beautiful and very calm & peaceful.
I can’t thank you enough for all of your help & advice. …”
To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up to our video course. Try before you buy with our free classes here

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