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Hypnobirth Music: The Top 10 Songs on Our Playlist

When it comes to setting the scene the type of hypnobirth music you play is super important.  And getting used to listening to it whilst relaxing during your pregnancy is a key element to creating the type of association or anchor, which is going to be most useful during your birth.  The reason why we encourage you to start listening to your hypnobirthing playlist now – is that you’d be surprised at the number of people who say, we thought we would want to listen to this, or that, but on the day, I just couldn’t bear it.  It’s really common for this to happen, if you haven’t been doing your practice with your tracks beforehand.  So, if you’re not going to be using your Mp3’s that come with the course, dust off your iPad and get prepping.

Don’t forget you can sign up for our free hypnobirthing video hypnobirthing classes

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