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Helen’s Dramatic Birth Story

Thank you Suzy, Hollie and the wonderful TCBS commuity for your advice, resources and support during the last few months of my pregnancy. My gorgeous boy Ezra Jude was born 15.10.15 weighing in at a healthy 8lb 7oz.

I won’t share too many details as it all sounds rather dramatic written down but I will say that the labour and birth were certainly not what I had been imagining as I listened to the Birth Rehearsal! However, although nothing went to plan, I don’t feel in the slightest bit negative about the experience.

Once I was in the Recovery Suite various consultants came to check I was ok and give me a debrief following the “traumatic delivery” and I was genuinely surprised that it was being described as this because here’s what I remember from the experience: being confident and quietly excited having listened to the Fear Release and airing my initial fears over induction in TCBS group; feeling incredibly calm and positive as I rejected the wheelchair and walked myself to the Delivery Suite; feeling empowered to ask the midwife to do what she could to help us stick to our original birthpreferences; listening to the birth affirmations and being so chilled that I kept falling asleep; my husband being AMAZING at massaging me with the VitalTouch labour oil as recommended (he’s since told me he was in agony because I made him apply such extreme and constant pressure to my lower back!); being so focused on the breathing techniques that I forgot other pain relief methods were even an option – I ended up having gas and air for just the last couple of minutes before the medical team arrived with the forceps and things were taken slightly out of my control; laughing and joking with the midwife and medical team (even as crowning!); my hubby being fiercely protective over me and questioning everything that was happening and checking I was happy with decisions; a very calm single cry from my babe as he appeared and skin-to-skin where he crawled up to the breast and latched on amazingly well.

Thanks to TCBS I had a very relaxed pregnancy and preparation for birth, a sense of calm and control during a dramatic labour (plus a husband who felt like he was completely involved), and now have a very chilled out and happy baby. Doing the Infant Feeding Workshop ahead of the arrival of my little one was also hugely beneficial and I am absolutely loving breastfeeding. Thanks team! x

To see how you can create your own calm birth please sign up here:

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