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And There She Was. In My Arms, Safe And Tiny But Not A Sound, Just So Calm.

This week’s birth story comes from our lovely follower Caitlyn who completed our online Hypnobirthing Course and listened to our MP3s.

Thank you for sharing your birth story of the gorgeous Grace Elena Vaca!

“I had taken a break from work around 12pm and decided to stretch my legs. I found myself making some lunch for myself and started on a lasagna to have for after the baby arrived. But then something changed. I thought maybe I was leaking fluid. So, I went to check. A couple tablespoons of discoloured fluid. But nothing crazy. It was 12:54pm and I decided I wasn’t joining my 1 o’ clock meeting. So, I texted my husband and just let him know what was happening. He asked if he should head home. I said no, but maybe we would have a baby in the next couple days? Then I start to have very light cramps. And I think to myself, well…this might be it. Call your mom. So, I call and just tell her we may be in early labor stages, keep an eye on your phone… contraction starts. So, I say, maybe go ahead and just come over so I’m not here alone in case this is real. I call the on-call midwife and she says to time the contractions and let her know if they are consistent then call back. I tell her about having my last baby in the car. And she says better safe than sorry just to come on in. I call my husband. At this point, I had already been timing them. They were roughly 7 minutes apart, about a minute long. I tell him to pack his things and head home from work since he had a 2-3 hour drive. He had already started making arrangements. I called my in laws and make arrangments for childcare and pickup. Contractions start to get more noticeable. I decided to pull the car seats from the car and get things in order. I finished layering my lasagna and called my friend John to come grab it from the oven when it’s done. At this point I knew it was time and I wasn’t going to be home to do anything else. Between each contraction, I had to move quickly: grabbing last minute items and packing some comfy clothes for my hubby. Pretty soon, my mom arrived and it was time to leave. I was starting to need more focus with each contraction but could talk and walk just fine in between them. We got to the birth center at 3:29pm. A couple contractions later and a quick check showed me at 5cm and 90% effaced. We were having a baby!

My mother Cathy jumped right in as my support partner until my husband could get to us. We set up the room and got my affirmations where I could see them. While Steven drove his butt off in the rain, my mom was there, helping me through each contraction with counter pressure and light massage, then giving me a smoothie and being an angel. Apparently, I am just designed to have back labor, which can be pretty intense without assistance. She was a rockstar with the counter pressure I needed. I told the nurses to start the water. I labored while the pool filled. Went to the bathroom while I had a moment between contractions. I grabbed my comb then got in the pool. I was here. I was finally here. I had made it this time! I asked for an ETA on my husband. I continued my calm birth method breathing techniques and had my calm birth playlist going in the background the whole time. I asked again, how far out is he? Not far they said. “This pain has a purpose, this pain has a purpose…” I could feel her moving down.

My husband Steven made it! Thank God, he made it there safely and just in time to help me through the hardest part. As soon as he walked in the room and I knew he was there, my body transitioned into the end stages of labor and it was time to get baby out. I had breathed my baby down and into position, one good grip on my husband’s arms and I was able to push her head out. My body changed positions and it was time for the rest of her. But she had her hand up in front of her face. Slight adjustment from the midwife and she came right out! It all happened so fast. I didn’t even take the time to think about looking at her in a mirror or touching her head. I just wanted her out and to my chest. And there she was. In my arms, safe and tiny but not a sound, just so calm. So I just talked to her and rubbed her back and called her by name. Then we heard her cry. And all was right in the world. 5:02pm she was here.”

Thanks goes to:

Miranda Cooper Photography LLC is pure magic. She captured the raw beauty of birth in every single shot. Even with the SUPER low lighting that I had in the room. I will cherish these moments for the rest of my life. This was my best birth experience so far and I am so glad that Miranda was able to be there for it.

The midwives, nurses and staff at New Birth Company, Overland Park were fantastic. I couldn’t have asked for a better team of people in my corner. They focus on women centered birth and support. I was able to get the dream birth I always wanted in the water, unmedicated and done naturally.

If you want to create your own positive birth you can start today!

Sign up for our FREE Hypnobirthing Videos here or get in touch with one of our instructors here.

If you want to know more about training to teach hypnobirthing take a look here

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